

Our goal is to train you to become an independent and alert Pilates trainer. It is not about stubborn memorizing of given exercises, but about the development of a sense for the basic principles. The focus is on the exploration of different movements and patterns of behavior in order to not only apply the functions, but to understand them. In our view, this is the basis for becoming a responsible and professional coach.

In addition to the basic training, we also offer further education in order to deepen, broaden and refine our own knowledge. Have we sparked your interest? Then request our training brochure without obligation and free of charge.

Next education

Pilates basic education
Beginn: 11.09. 2019 – July 2020

Pilates  teacher training intense
for dancers, yoga teachers and professionals from other areas of movement.

Next further education

BALLance-Concept meets Pilates and Yoga
Sa. 07.09.2019 Berlin  (infos under events)
Leipzig (will be announced)
Neuss (will be announced)
You can also book workshops as  inhouse education for your studio.

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